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The Doctor has faced many enemies, all of which are important for different reasons. Most of the enemies he faces are in a battle of good versus evil. Other episodes feature damnation, judgement, the underworld, priest, and monks to name a few.12 Some the Doctor face he has known for many years and are aware of just how hard they are to be defeated. Others are new enemies which he has to think on his feet to be able to defeat or in some cases destroy. Two of the recurring enemies the Doctor faces are the Daleks and the Cybermen. The Daleks are creatures incased in a metal shell who wish to exterminate all that is not Dalek. They were supposed to be in the Time Lock with the Time Lords but some had escaped just before the lock was put on the event. These were the Daleks that were later destroyed by Rose when she had the Time Vortex inside her which later is the cause of the regeneration of the ninth Doctor. The Cybermen are old enemies of the Doctor which take the human brain and place them inside a metal suit removing all emotions. Both of these enemies are extremely hard to defeat but the Doctor always saves the day against these creatures. 


Another common enemy of the Doctor is the Master. Like the Doctor he is a Time Lord. He also managed to escape the Time Lock that had been placed on the Time Lords due to changing himself into a human, which is a trick the Time Lords can do, but he is unaware of who he is. When he realizes who and what he is the Master decides to take over the world, as the Prime Minister of England, the Doctor has to try and stop him. The Master is extremely forceful in his tactics and can be seen as down right evil (clip on top). The Master can be seen in two ways. First he can be seen as a false god who the Doctor is trying to stop. He is forcing himself onto the human race without them knowing the true nature of him being an alien. The other way this can be interpreted is a god versus a devil like creature who is trying to take the world from him. Either way they are classic good versus evil in which good prevails in the end. 

There is an episode which uses a classic religious symbol as the monster to be defeated, Satan. In “Satan’s Pit” the Doctor is faced with confronting Satan in the pits of hell where he has to make a decision of destroying the world he was in or not.13 In his speech (in the video on top) he talks about how he has seen gods but he believes in one thing, Rose. In destroying the world he had to make the decision of saving the crew members and Rose or the Ood. Though the Doctor defeated Satan, or a god defeated a Satan, he was unable to save all the life forms. Another religious symbol is shown in Doctor Who are the weeping angels. Unlike normal angels these are creatures which snatch people when they are not looking directly at them and place them back in time. They feed off the energy that is created by doing this. They are first introduced in the episode “Blink” where they are explained (video to the left). Normally the symbol of angelic innocence they become deadly and a symbol of death.14 In this case the Doctor does not just defeat evil but evil in the form of something good and known to all mankind. Who would be afraid of an angel?

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